Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mass with a 2 year old

Taking Asher to church is one of the most stressful things in the world. It should not be so! Unfortunately, not many Catholic churches have nurseries for the little ones. I know it's important to bring children to church, but it's hard for a 2 year old to sit quietly for over an hour! It's especially hard for my 2 year old. It becomes more about me trying to keep him calm and quiet rather than getting anything out of the Mass. It doesn't help that I'm almost always alone since Rob doesn't usually come with us. I go in prepared for every contingency. We have multiple kinds of snacks, drinks, and books. Of course, he has the most fun jumping up and down on the kneelers and finding new friends.

 After our bad experiences with 2 different churches in 29 Palms, I was reluctant to take him to Mass here. I can say after two visits with Asher, everyone here at Infant of Prague is exceptionally welcoming. There are three cry-rooms, which is where we sit, so at least everyone with a toddler is not fighting over the same small space. Both priests are kind and loving towards people with children, which hasn't always been my experience. I still spend a lot of time trying to keep Asher quiet, but he is getting better. He was really well-behaved today, or at least well-behaved for him! I guess it's one of those "practice makes perfect" sort of things.

At least he has to come with me to church now. There's no complaining or whining about going to Mass. I need to remember this when he's 16!

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